Nia Technique

What is “Nia”?

Nia is a life-changing, cardiovascular fitness practice which blends dance arts, healing arts, and martial arts. Set to music that is inspiring, invigorating and playful, you’ll have a blast—while you lose weight, strengthen muscles, and move mindfully and gracefully. Nia is ageless, limitless, without judgement and can have a transformational effect on the way you feel, look, think, and live. Nia is for every body!

Join us on Thursday afternoons!

  • Thursdays: “Dance Fitness” 4:20 - 5:20 at Steinberg Wellness Center, Concord

“I love to fitness provides me the ability to enjoy the creativity and peace of dance with the benefits of a great cardio workout.  Susanne is an amazing instructor, paying attention to all levels of participants, making it fun for everyone!!”
Judi L